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General Information

School Hours

7:00 a.m. – Breakfast
7:30 a.m. – School Begins
3:00 p.m. – School Dismisses

Breakfast & Lunch Schedules

Breakfast Hours: 7:00 – 7:25 a.m.

Lunch Hours:

11:30-12:00 – ECSE
10:25-10:55 – Life Skills
11:30-12:00 – Pre-K
10:25-10:55 – Kindergarten
11:18-11:48 – 1st Grade
11:49-12:19 – 2nd Grade
12:25-12:55 – 3rd Grade
12:57-  1:27 – 4th Grade

Our cafeteria personnel will be glad to assist you and answer questions pertaining to the menu or student accounts. For more information call 951.8800.

Check Out Procedures

If you need to take your child from class for the day:

  • Check in at the office.
  • Sign for your child to be released.
  • Students will be called to the front office.

Lunch Visits

If you would like to visit with your child during his/her lunch:

  • Check in at the office and obtain a visitor’s tag (tag must be  worn while on campus).
  • Meet your child in the cafeteria and have lunch with *ONLY him/her at the reserved table.
    (*This rule allows for a special time with your child and helps with the continuity in the cafeteria)

Student Safety

  • Student drop-off and Parent Pick-up are located at the front of the building. Children are not allowed to cross lanes of the driveway unattended.
  • All parents will enter the Drop-off/Pick-up line at the far entrance and follow the line where we will have their student waiting at the appropriate pole number.
  • Day Care pick-up is located in the computer lab at the front entrance. Please do not block the main hall.


Teacher Conferences

If you would like to speak with your child's teacher, please send a note or call the office (951.8800).
Please do not attempt to conference during afternoon dismissal. This is a very busy time at Pine Forest as we ensure the safe return of our students.


Volunteering at Pine Forest

We invite you to join, support and be active in our Parent Teacher Organization. Schools with active PTO's are stronger and provide more opportunities for school and community cooperation.